
By stravaig

Changing Face

A very busy day. Coffee in the afternoon with Vetlife (as always good to catch up and exchange blip, photography and other news). Preceded by a trip to the camera repair specialists in Hope Street in Glasgow to get my repaired camera back (hurrah! It's working really well). See below for a photo from Glasgow - taken using my fixed lens camera as I'd not tried the repaired one out in detail at that time. Didn't see Brad Pitt or any Zombies. Got lots of photos of props and streets decked out to look like Philadelphia. Vetlife was most disappointed that I did not get any photos of Brad. Then a trip to the vet surgery with Behr who - I'm glad to say - is responding well to the antibiotics and pain killers and is on the mend. Still don't know what caused the infection in his leg - the lab has provided preliminary results but is still doing tests. So will need to wait out until next week for more info.

As to the blip photo ..........Glasgow City Centre is changing yet again.

The facade of glamour and the promise of a sparkling new shopping centre and exclusive flats is masking the grime of demolition of the old dilapidated buildings. But it does not hide the grimness of those who - for whatever reason - are left in less fortunate positions. The comfort of resting against a bin seems to say it all. It seems there is a lot for leaders (political, financial, social and spiritual) to do and in a financial climate which is far from encouraging in the current and medium term.

I suspect the new centre will be a sparkling success when it opens in 2013. (I used to work briefly for Land Securities and I felt the regeneration projects I've seen in the south of England have been well designed and built, and been successful). I hope that the economic climate when it opens is such that there are enough good quality jobs and prospects for people to be able to enjoy the benefits of the new centre. The development is certainly pinning faith in a bright future for the city.

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