
By grounded

Hubby's Survival Kit

Today I had a lazy start after enjoying a good night's sleep. Is this what happens when you get old? I struggle to get a really good night's sleep these days. Perhaps it is because there is so much happening... or maybe I need to go and do some exercise to tire me out properly.

I headed into work today in civvies to do a last bit of clearing. There was a repatriation again :( but I managed to sort out a curry for the 6 of us in Ops and we pushed some tables together and had a meal. The team seemed to enjoy!

Afterwards I headed home.

Meanwhile, hubby was at work and knew he was being taken out for a meal to say goodbye. I also knew all about the gifts he was getting (as I had been consulted). He went out to lunch with the team from the Mission Department at the Baptist Union of GB. After lunch there was a wee detour getting him back to work, so they could set up for him arriving back. When he got back the rest of the team from BUGB had collected together and a few from BMS to wish him well and give him some gifts and say some prayers. There were banners and photos and a card and a Bible inscribed and signed by all. Also there was a Kindle and a survival kit for Glasgow. I thought I'd blip the survival kit for you all! It made me smile!

He come home thoroughly chuffed about the love and care taken to make him feel special and wish him on his way for the next phase of our lives.

Blessings for all at BUGB from me! We have both been on an extraordinary journey these last five years!

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