Filomena et Felix
Nice lunchtime, not because we were at the bank on a mortgage maintenance mission, but that we had a bit of time after to enjoy lunch in Princes Street Garden - it's not often we manage that with Mel working down near Leith. And then we met Filomena and Felix (who have been blipped before a few times, most notably by FortyTwo on his four year anniversary).
Work was... Work. Though I got some nice feedback again, and it came after a nice coffee morning with cycling buds at Peter's Yard (where Quartermile is still rather unwelcomingof bikes - fortunately Peter's Yard is very accommodating, AND they had spelt scones so no worries for this wee gluten-free period, though I did find myself hankering after a cinnamon bun).
[EDIT] Just found out that spelt isn't actually gluten-free!
Anyway, weekend now. Dinner has been ordered from Kismot, so I really should get changed to go and get that. We're finally festivaling tomorrow (just not been grabbed by it too much this year) at the Peking Opera (and Ravi Shankar on Monday night). Might take the camera along and see if I can sneak a blip from there. Oh, and Mel has told me to buy a new camera bag as the clasp on my current one is broken. Who am I to argue?
And finally, congrats to Jon's Page for winning the Tattoo meeja pass this week - I really hope he enjoys it as much as I did!
p.s. I deliberately offset them. Not sure why, but I quite like it and so haven't centred them post-processing...
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