Probably a shot of a Jnr

By Hollowspy

Upward slope

I saw a Facebook post from a friend this morning that linked to a Garmin site, and it showed a VERY detailed breakdown of a run he had done. I have a Garmin GPS I use for Geocaching and wondered if I could do the same. It worked and even uploaded a bike ride I did with Hollow Jnr Snr last month. The postman then came and popped through the Hama variable ND filter I had ordered to try out some LE photography - woo hoo! So I grabbed my rucksack filled with my GPS, camera, tripod, new filter, put on some podcasts I wanted to catch up on and leapt on my mountain bike for an aimless ride of caching and photography.

I headed out towards Ashford -in-the-Water, and kept seeing some nice photo opportunities (one of which is the chosen Blip for today). It was downhill, so this was good. A few geocaches and steep hills later, I found myself at Monsal Head (GREAT views). A text came through from the Hollows saying they were going for an ice cream in Bakwell if I wanted to meet them there. So a quick race to the Monsal Trail via Longstone got me to there where I was rewarded with a crunchy banana with honeycomb cone FTW!

I ache now :(

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