I got to go to the house, we went to the other day again,
this time we got to go in their big garden,
it has a pond and a train track running round it,
I didn't know whether to trash the train,
or land head first in the pond....
then I spotted a rabbit...now that was worth investigating,
He was called carrot and very fluffy,
then I spotted a rock, a random rock,
just a rock, a rock that called to be sat on,
just sat, and watch the world,
till I saw flowers, had to see flowers,
OOO did someone mention guinea-pig,
were? must find it, must find it,
hello guinea-pig, I waved, then bored,
ran back to the garden,
there is so much to see and do there
after an hour exploring, it was time to come home,
I was tired, but had enough energy to check out
the empty motor bike shop that was most,
certainly full last week....!!!

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