Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By NannaK

View from the Top

Today I can at least use the camera with 2 hands so walked to the top of the hill and tried some more hdr-style shots. Also plain ol' shots. This is our view looking across to Saltspring Island and then Vancouver Island in the distance. Think I haven't blipped it in a while. But it's just a little bit surreal, yes? I often go here to watch for eagles and hawks--today there was one turkey vulture soaring. Usually this means something dead on the beach but we looked and didn't see anything that looked like a meal. I debated using the straight photo or the "hdr" one which is just a bit jarring (blurry and over saturated color), but since I made this one red headed turkey vulture larger (they do get to 26" long with 67" wingspan) and used 3 different views, Decided to go with the whole odd scene. And yes, I could have taken out the wires to the BC hydro plant down below, but they are part of the view. If we didn't have these wires going across this island this would be full of trees and one wouldn't see anything. Usually don't spend this time playing - but it's been very fun, and educational. Not too worry, probably go back to photos as usual soon!

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