walking in the city

By inthecity

Sugar high

Temperatures rising.

Thankfully not for me (or anyone with nothing to prove). Instead, I'm listening to my chimes stirring on the night breeze. The sky is beautiful.

< Blipmeet left off somewhere around...

An unforgettable meeting of kindred souls. We made our slow exit from the Village Idiot, now really jammed. We could have all hung out on the corner for another half hour I'm sure; none of us reaaally wanted to go. We hailed ~besideherself a taxi, bound for the ferry docks and a b+b on the island, then ~togrrl and I chatted in front of the AGO til the Dundas streetcar arrived. I jumped on my bike there because at least Dundas* has a bike lane that picks up somewhere around River Street. Lots of traffic. I played leap frog with the Dundas car all the way through the downtown core to Broadview, where it peeled north and I sailed through, careful not to chip any teeth riding over the tracks.

*which, except for a few shamey stretches I felt pretty safe.

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