pictures wot i took

By antlersandall

Eggman - in memoriam

We have had a fab day out at Bournemouth Airshow today. Discovered just before 12 that the Red Arrows were due to display at 1pm, so we scrambled for the car and headed to Bournemouth. Just as we got out of the car at the park & ride, they flew past from the airport. I joked with Son One that that was all we'd see of them, but the bus trip was pretty quick and we did get to see quite a lot. I didn't get to photograph much though because I was also in charge of the pushchair - there was a fleeting moment where I'd mentally framed a perfect shot and was oh-so-tempted to let go and actually take it, but we were on a slope. At the top of a cliff. And he's alright really ;-)

We were treated to some magnificent displays - wingwalkers (who are completely nuts btw - being strapped to the roof of an aircraft when there's a perfectly serviceable seat inside?!), a Spitfire, the Sally B (Flying Fortress), a Merlin helicopter which demonstrated winching, The Blades (RAFA display team), another duo display team and my personal favourite, one of the 2 remaining Lancaster Bombers that are in flight. Have added some photos of the others to my Flickr page.

Son One flew a microlite simulator - attempted a stall turn and a barrel roll, but didn't quite manage to pull them off! He was told though that there was no way he'd be able to land it without crashing, so of course being the bloody-minded 'determined wee beastie' that he is he did it, text book stylee. He and I also had a go at landing planes in the NATC exhibition I am not going to admit that he was better than me.

There was some fascinating stuff on display, and we could have stayed so much longer. We were melting though! Had been so cold and wet when we left we'd all put on long trousers, jumpers and waterproofs. Down on the coast it was wall to wall sunshine.

Was really shocked to hear on the news on the way home that something had crashed near the airport. We missed what it was on the bulletin, so TPD looked it up on the Beeb when we got in. Then it was that a Red Arrow had crashed, at the time no news of the pilot. Later on we discovered that Flt Lt Jon Egging had sadly died.

This isn't the best photo I took today, but I'd like to pay him tribute. RIP Eggman.

'scuse the shutterbugs btw. No idea how to get rid of them :-/

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