Kat's eye view

By kats_eye


Went to triptych, on the single photo pass provided.

Met, by accident, in a small-world kind of way, the man who designed the poster with my image. He recognised me, and said I've been admiring for months. He also claimed I was his hero.
He seemed nice but I think he was taking the piss.

No needle-nagel sharp portraits of artists on stage. Whether the lack of the camera or the technical know-how and skill, probably the latter.
I've decided I might buy a new camera, I think it might be time. But that still wouldn't be the kind of shot I would be taking.

It seems that people I meet keep asking: are you an artist?
are you a photographer?

I always say No!.
Panicked. Like an imposter, found out.

B. gently corrects.

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