A Walk in the Country

Today was like a mini-holiday. We left early and drove up to Killin, which I didn't like because I started to feel sick in the back of the car. I liked it when we got there though - watching the big wheel go round on the mill building (turned by a 'chine) and the waterfalls. We were going to do a walk, but it looked like it might rain, so we drove up Ben Lawers and had lunch in the car next to the reservoir. Then we went down into Glen Lyon, by which time the sun had come out so we took a walk through the woods. There are lots of carved tree trunks and things in the woods, including this nice seat! On our way down the mountain we were surrounded by a herd of Highland cows. They are very big and hairy, and the baby ones look like teddy bears. Dad had to drive very slowly and honk the horn a couple of times to move them out of the way.

We stopped at the Castle Menzies tea room for a drink and some cake. There's lots of lovely things in there! Then we had a very long drive home, made longer by the M80 being shut at Stirling. Not that I minded, I fell fast asleep in the back!

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