Good evening!

A friend asked for a sharper SP, so here it is.

I had a very bad acne from the age of 11 to 16, which made my face delicately scarred, and that's still seeable. Always sore and kooky-looking, plus those stupid bloody scars and blackheads, which never seemed to fade away. But so they finally did, though scarry skin was all that was left after the acne.

Anyroad, I've never spent my time in front of a mirror with make-up. I just wasn't born for it, not to mention I don't really have that much of time to spend for something, which isn't my true skin. However, among the trend of polishing your face with Photoshop or some other software, I haven't cared about blurring and brushing my face away. This is the phase I've chosen.

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