
In the morning several of the party went on a route march walk organised by Erik which I declined. Anni who had travelled across from Ieper to join us, was successfully collected from the station. Then half a dozen or so went off to attend a concert by Zaz in Namur (which turned out to be quite an adventure in itself) and a few more left as they had to go back to work tomorrow, leaving the rest of us to construct some sort of a meal out of the leftovers from yesterday and Jan to make the remainder of the onion bhajees. He'd watched Meeta make the first batch yesterday and he made a grand job of them. Mmm.

The cockerel wakes us every morning about 5am (if the mosquitoes have allowed us to drift off to sleep). He has a run all to himself and is presumably on the lookout for female company, so escapes at any opportunity. But Pieter displayed great skill at catching him every time - note the iron grip!

The plaques on the building behind him commemorate by name various honoured cows who, over the years, had produced 100,000 litres of milk (each).

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