Nesssaintee's World

By nesssaintee

Another moon pic and saintees win :-)

Oh no! Another moon blip I hear you say *yawn*
Sorry, I'm still playing about with the settings on my camera (only read the instructions as a last resort, I'm a bloke innit!)
Even in daylight you can see a fair bit of detail
Tycho crater is quite obvious, wished it wasn't so cloudy at dark o'clock this morning, it would have shown so much more of it's structure.
I have tried before with my scope, but not really worked at it as much I could've
They are here if you want to take a look
May even blip some when I get some more pics using the "cat" (I feed it on batteries and photons, mrsunremarkable :-) )
It is more humble than hubble though
I have had a chilled, lazy day.
Just went shopping for essentials today
My team St Johnstone beat Celtic 1-0 :-) yay and Inverness were beaten by Aberdeen yesterday (my nephews Robbie and Calum will be just as delighted as I am about that)
Carlsberg don't do football results, but if they did...... :-)
Work tomorrow, dreading it :-( Why are the weekends so short and the weeks so long?

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