
Brassica oleracea, you either love them or hate them (Brussel Sprouts).

Quiet day at home today. Well I say quiet, but what I really should say is productive: grass cut front & back of house, massive bush cut back, Garage tidied and lots of rubbish thrown out (looks a million times better) and a spot of gardening done in the polytunnel too, oh and i managed to watch a couple of my TV series as well.

Noticed that the sprouts have finally shown when tinkering in the tunnel today. These little beauties will be picked on Christmas Day about 10 minutes before dinner being served. You cant get fresher than that!

My knees really are sunburnt. Must have went through half a tub of aftersun on them today. Still, it was worth it as we thoroughly enjoyed yesterday in Edinburgh. Back to the office tomorrow and lunchtime blip of the High Street again more than likely.


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