Lali's World

By Lali

Unusual 6 - An unusual window

I've seen this window a few times on my way to work. Not sure what this "Ho ho ho Emma" is all about, but it seems to me a bit Christmas themed! Is the drawing of the holly that gave that away, or the "ho ho ho"? Maybe it doesn't even have anything to do with Christmas! Who knows? But I find it a bit unusual.

As for my previous very late shoe blip, I like Admirer's idea that they actually were bought by a man in a charity shop for £1 to dress up, and then he decided to abandon them there! It's still a mystery to me. The shoes were no longer there today!

Today it was raining when I walked to work and then it was sunny when I was at work. Typical! But it stayed nice for the rest of the day, which is good. My working day dragged on a bit today, but it's over. Finished it off with a pint with a couple of my workmates.

Feeling tired. I do really like Edinburgh during the Festival and the whole atmosphere, but it's a really busy month for me, so I'm looking forward to my holidays in September when this crazy tourist season is over!

Thanks very much for all your comments! I hope you all had a great weekend! :)

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