True Colours

By HunterGatherer

Close to the Edge

It very rarely happens that I have major arguments with, or, to use the totally high school phrase, fall out with any of my friends. So much so that when one of these rare moments occurs I don't quite know what's hit me. Put it this way, getting smacked in the face last night by another human being in a near miss taxi emergency stop [always wear your seatbelts kids] was nothing on the impact of a full blown argument a few hours later.

Maybe it's because my friends are too important for me to jepordise through such behaviour. Even if they don't know it, or if I don't say it, it's true: I absolutely loathe the feeling of coming close to losing one of them, even if it's just for a couple of hours one evening.

I don't want to feel terror like that again for a long time to come.

I doubt this will be read by the right person, but this is my version of an apology...

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