Queue Sprint

Up early for a wee shop and a trip to the allotment. Greengages, viccy plums and black plums fresh from the trees fro breakfast followed by cherry tomatoes from the greenhouse. Dug up some tatties and picked 12lb of viccy plums for jam making.

Back home and then to football coaching. A really positive session with the girls, focusing on strengths and full of praise.

Eco mum and I headed out to 'Rock the Ballet', a wee walk round the town and then we headed over to queue. There is something refreshing about venues with no ticketed seats and the queue decides where you can sit.

Queueing is all very well but once the queue moved it was a 'sale sprint' to the theatre, we just walked and slipped past the seat grabbers and quietly sat down at one side of the stage but with very good views.

Very athletic young men, it was interesting that the focus of male ballet had moved from huge cod pieces to stuuning six packs. Posh chippendales some would say.
Not bad show, eco mum smiled all the way through. Not many men in the crowd.

A lovely walk home and we stopped off for some food.

Eco gran was holding the fort for us and I took her home.

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