ijil Rainbow Hawk Giver

By ijilRHG

blue curls

yesterday and today my three girls, and some of their friends, helped to clean out our 'totally stuffed' 8 x 30 eave. there was several years of 'items' that we moved out. it is so clean in there and it feels so good to have all of that stuff out of there.

I was so impressed with the girls and their friends. we only worked for a couple of hours each day and did not over do it. we laughed and talked and even took a long tea break one morning. no one is sore and no one is angry. it was just the right amount.

it is nice to do jobs in this way ~ lots of hands and little work for each person.

so i did not feel like going out and doing a big job taking a photo, but the light coming through my daughter's hair from the hallway skylight seemed like an interesting and perfect (for me) photo for today.

thanks for stopping by.

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