Dr. J's Day

By JaniceNgan

Winding down

Yet another weekend coming to an end.

Left camp early today (couldn't justify making a fire in the AM) and our coffee percolator was missing the filter, so the notion of coffee seemed difficult.

Motored home to Seattle, went to Randy's diner for breakfast (note to self, never ever order the dandee bomber b-fast - just stick to the simple eggs and pancakes and stuff).

It was a hot one today, and that means lots of lethargy and napping for me. Did manage to get some laundry done.

Went to a pig roast tonight for a bit, then back home.

I have to admit that I'm sort of looking forward to the fall - I'm rockin' some summer weight right now. Lots of drinking/eating/socializing. I am usually a few pounds heavier in the summer compared to the rest of the year. My body needs the break. Maybe doing a juice cleanse for a few days to help purge my body of all the junk that it's filled with.

Now off to bed - good night.

p.s. Happy happy birthday to N! Looking great!

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