Guinea Pig Zero

By gpzero

Simple Supper, Wonderful Day

This day was full of wonderful weather, more refreshing rain, good conversation with friends, and wonderful news.

The picture shows what I ate at my buddy D's "last minute pot luck" which he announced in the afternoon. A rice dish alongside some nice veggies on a bed of white rice and some dolmades that I brought. As we ate we all knew that Gaddafi's regime was coming to a close, but somehow the subject didn't wander to world news. We spoke of things like former fly-ash dumps around the city that became residential neighborhoods, then condemend as the ash eroded under the houses. A supermarket where I've been shopping turns out to be such a site, and a bowling alley was build on the empty lot (now the store's in the same building) --but who knew?

On the way home I took a few pictures of the wet, empty streets near my place and would be blipping one, but it was after midnight, alas.

The best thing about today is that someone I love will soon come to visit me. That's what I was thinking of in the cool midnight air, as the crickets sang and the stop lights changed their colors over the trolley tracks.

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