Webb London Marathon

By Astonwebbo


Random Random day! We went to manteray and a few guys went to the aquarium, the rest of us went round the shops and I was sat down in my Minnesota twins top when a random called Andrew asked for a picture of me, I am aware I am super hot but this was a little odd! He took a pic of me because he was a Minnesota twins fan, fair enough I would be pleased to see a villa fan!

He then however took me and badger on a guided tour of the aquarium and showed us around for free, stopping to take many pictures the story then takes a bizarre twist when he stroked the badge on my top! He was informing me of what the badge meant but the badge was located above my nipple, so a man was taking me around an aquarium taking pictures of me and stroking my nipple!! It ended well we exchanged emails and he has emailed me since I am sure it is all good!!

Av fun xx

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