Family 6

By meganrose

A good day

Today was a much better day. Daz started work for our friends, Becky and Graham, who have bought a great house in Staveley. It is very exciting for all of us and means he has work until December time, all going to plan. The relief of knowing where the next wae packet is coming from is welcome. His mother is also home following her operation, so The Dazzler is dazzling once again.

I had a meeting about Mintfest, which happens 2nd-4th september this year. It is a fantastic street theatre event which takes place on the streets of Kendal and I love working on it. If you live within spitting distance I strongly recommend you come take a look and even if you don't there are plenty of people who book in a b and b for the weekend, coming for far and wide.

The weather had also improved, so bbq and a fire this evening. Rory and Farrah crept down after bed time for cuddles around the fire and to look at the night sky.

Days don't get much better.


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