A Fleeting Moment

By AFleetingMoment

Where am I?

This is the back of my t-shirt that I bought after graduating from the Univerisity of Reading. It's got all the names of those who graduated in my year. A nice little game I like to play is to browse through all the names and see who I know. It's also nice to get others to see if they can find my name.

So this weekend was one of the better weekends I've had. The weather was consistantly nice. I didn't have anything on so thought I'd just relax. That was until I got an offer I couldn't refuse from A. She raised this issue and I couldn't refuse.

I knew this day would come, but was still shocked when she said it. I didn't know what to say. Helping her clean her room, how could I say no after she'd spend 7 hours cleaning my room once. It was only right that I returned the favour. And so that was how I spent my saturday night, cleaning A's room with her. Then we spent Sunday just relaxing and hanging out again.

It was nice to spend some time with her, especially aftter the last few weeks.

This title also lends itself towards mine and A's relationship. Finding out where the two of us are. Will we head back down into a relationship or remain great friends? Who knows, but for now we're just going to take things one step at a time.

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities ~ Janos Arany

Edit: Had to redo the photo, since the original one wasn't dispaying properly

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