Colorful Life Journey

By suriLife

Twice Fall

Surprised!!! The hanging rod where my clothes' hang fell to the ground!! OMG!! Not again!! It's kind of late for me to go to Lowes to get the replacement for it yesterday...

This is the 2nd time the rod fell, but lucky me the whole thing didn't come apart this time around!! Thank God!! Anyway, I went to Lowes today to get the replacement to fix it, and now, it's up and ready to hang again..

Hmm, I think I got too many clothes on the rod.. hmm.. This might be a sign.. telling me.. NO MORE BUYING CLOTHES!!..

Hmm.. now, I got to channel my endorphins and restless energy from buying clothes to something else.. perhaps.. saving those mullahs $$$ for vacation trip.. hmm...

I like this song: True Colors.. I guess now, I realized and learnt something about people that I know and knew... their true colors.. I wonder how many would help me if and when am in a rut...

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