The rest of forever...

By DrMac

I think the weather sympathises with me...

I've been out here for nearly a month and the weather seems to follow the progress of my PhD. When we first arrived and were settling in, the weather was sunny and warm. Since those first few days I have worked on my thesis every week day...and for the most, those days have been filled with low clouds and monsoon rains. When the words haven't come easily, the rain has fallen faster and harder and kept me firmly at my desk for ten or more hours. When the words have flowed, the humidity seems to lighten and help me to concentrate. And then, at the weekends when I spend my time with Paul, the sun shines and the clouds and rains vanish away. Amazing. I credit the Nepali weather with empathy...and I am very grateful.

And today the rain fell thick and fast, hence the collection of rainwater in numerous brightly coloured buckets. And I wrote the final chapter of my thesis. All that lies between me and the finishing line is the abstract...500 words. After the last 60,000 I think they will be rather pleasurable words to write!! So tomorrow...I predict sunshine and champagne!!

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