
By Juli

A towering achievement?

Took the kids to the Natural History Museum where we did our best to see all the things we couldn't fit in during our last visit, including the 'Sensational Butterflies' exhibition.

I've been to butterfly-places before but they normally consist of a few lethargic specimens lying motionless on the ground. This was amazing, though - hundreds of different butterflies - and some moths - literally 'fluttering by'. We had them on our hands, heads, bottoms, on my camera - so wonderfully gentle and so beautiful. We saw lots as they emerged from pupae as well, which we'd never seen for real before. It was just magical and I could have stayed in there all day.

After that we went to see the Tower Bridge Exhibition, which was very interesting and the kids liked it because they got a little 'passport' which they collected stickers for on the way round. We also walked across the high walkway - which wasn't anywhere near as scary as it looks but, as anyone who knows my fear of heights will appreciate, was quite an achievement for me!

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