By crossedxfingers

Thank you.

Thank you.
For the kind words yesterday.
Thank you.
For every single word you ever wrote to me in a comment.

You probably dont know how much it meant to me to read those words after having the biggest fight ever with my dad. He basically told me that I mean nothing to him and that he doesnt care wether or not we stay in touch. He doesnt care about what I want to do in life and he doesnt want to be a part of it.
I was overwhelmed by all your goodness. And it actually helped me to realize that I do not need him. I am who I am and if he doesnt is his loss.

The first letter I ever wrote in my life..was to him...when I was like ... 8 years old...asking him why he doesnt love me. It is SO ridiculous. But after all these years of trying...I finally realized that I simply do not need him.

I just hope that someday...he will realize that he made a huge mistake.
And maybe...I will be strong enough to forgive him. Because I want to be so much more than he is right now.

So again...thank you so much...after yesterday I'm just 10times happier to be a part of this. To be a part of you.

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