The night before the day after...

Yesterday was the day before "Koninginnedag" (queens day) and because today is a 'holiday', this means lots of people, party and things going on in town.

For the first time i took our camera (including all sorts of addons like flash and lenses) to try and see what outside-'festival' shooting would be like at night. Well, the main thing is you get a lot of attention, people asking for you to take their shots, with the inevitable "for what are you shooting", "what newspaper will these be in" and "where can i download them" questions ofcourse... This seems to become a problem, because is not something drunk people can understand, blipfoto has ofcourse a new picture every day, and contains only one of the shots, and finally when i try to point them to my site "" they'll try to T9 it into their phones.

Overall people get amazingly friendly when you point your cam at them. I was allowed to walk on stage at some point to take some shots. The only downside was the elbows and shoulders i had to use to make sure the cam survived the bigger crowds. Fun thing is that even some of the drunker people can be thoughtful. At one point some drunk dude pushed his drunk friend out of my way, and told him "dude, that's an expensive camera, don't be an asshole and get out of his way".. That was funny.
Ofcourse, me being tall/big enough to move to crowds like that might help a bit too...

I guess that only a very small percentage will actually get to see the picture i took of them, but i do hope some will :)

As soon as my export is done i'll upload them to Picasa, and drop the link here ofcourse.

edit1: haha, this was taken after midnight, so ofcourse i uploads for today. lemme find a backblip too :D
edit2: Holy epic backblip batman!

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