The old creamery

A very strange day - bright sunshine and torrential rain, often both together. I had a profitable morning gardening - pulling put weeds and clearing around the pond.

We hope to go on a walk shortly, organized as part of Heritage week, though it's currently lashing. This could all change! There is a star shaped fort, built during the 16C, which is usually denied access but the farmer is allowing people onto his land just for the evening, so we're going to take a look.

I've had my eye on this door for some time. The colours are quite incredible. I don't know if it was blue last or red - it's now very psychedelic. It's the old corrugated pull down door to what was the creamery, where farmers used to take their milk and cream to be sold on or exchanged. It closed about 5 years ago and the building is just standing empty. Most villages had a creamery and I think they must have been uniform colours for there is another one in Kilcrohane that had exactly the same door. I went to blip it only to find it had been freshly painted - cream!

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