developing small ideas..

By cheralyn

Levi with his new toy peperami

Levi and I went to Dartmoor today, Purple, heather clad moorland, wide open landscapes, rushing rivers and obscure stone tors shape the landscape of Dartmoor. But that is just one small part of a big picture. There are rolling valleys, bogs and wetland, waterfalls and well trodden paths, ancient, eery forests and lonely ruins. Sometimes ominous, challenging, extreme, sometimes welcoming.... the weather is very unpredictable... unfortunately it was pouring down with rain for the walk .. so no photo with the canon was taken... so jumped back in the car and when to Tavistock.. where levi got his new toy.. I picked up a mac in a bag... and guess what happen then... the sun came out and I didn't have anymore time to stop on the moor on the way back to take photos

The West wind always brings wet weather,
The East wind wet and cold together,
The south wind surely brings us rain,
The North wind blows it back again.
If the sun in red should set,
The next day surely will be wet:
If the sun should set in gray
The next will be a rainy day.

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