La vida de Annie

By Annie

Veg and A/C

Another boring unedited phone blip from my bed - could process it a bit with an app but it seems to lose the date from the exif data and also I can't be arsed. This is just about recording my time here not creating anything inspiring. Today I was going to blip an empty cardboard sick bowl to represent am awful night followed by throwing up after the first sip of tea. Luckily things improved when I got Monday's MRI results which were clear. To celebrate later I requested anti-sickness meds and tackled the lunch of vegetable casserole and apple crumble, which I managed to eat a little of both without puking. The food here is actually very nice, it's just that I'm having trouble with most senses just now, so smells, tastes, sounds and lights make me nauseous.
A busy day with 3 sets of visitors and lots of nice texts from friends so exhausted again now. In fact I may have trouble with the regular verbal marbles check of asking me if I know who is the prime minister. Sadly I do. ;-)

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