Fun in the woods!
Lots of fun was had in the woods today, there was so many pics i didn't know which ones to choose. I've done macro, landscapes, kids and dogs!! Settled for this one of Z though as it shows him having fun hiding behind a tree from my friends little boy.
So all in all been a lovely day today and it hash't finished yet off out for a meal with some friends this evening. Honestly so much for this healthy eating lark i will more than likely be having 3 courses and feel very full at the end of the evening and reaching for the indigestion tablets!! Oh well you only live once don't you??
Happy Wednesday, Wednesdays are a good day aren't they you start the day off thinking it's only the middle of the week, but you end it thinking we're so much nearer the weekend!! Sorry my thought process is a little weird sometimes makes sense to me!!
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