The Blackcountry Man

By brickmaker

Harmonica has the Blues....

I'm feeling a touch of the blues, this is due to the cold I have and that it has taken hold of me, this is why I am posting late tonight.

Found this Honner Harmonica that I bought a few years ago when I thought it would be a great Idea to learn to play, but learning this little instrument is a lot harder than it looks, and after a few days gave up.
Photoshop is a lot easier, and I have to say that BMjnr is the musician in the family not me.

Have to go home tomorrow night as I have a meeting in the Midlands on Friday, so Mrs BM will have me for an extra two days this week, whoopee.

Hope you notice that it is all in focus, so guess what I have been playing with, hahahaha.

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