In-between the seconds

By Lisalou

Out of 25 kids, he is the funniest.

In fact, this week I have been working, not just looking at odd math formulas and weird Australian trends.

We ( the charity that I work for) have started our biggest project. Ever. It is very ambitious and ever so slightly abstract.

A very brief description: 50 years a go a new zone was designated for people to find cheap, modern housing. And named Bourges North. A social center was set up.Over the next 50 years people came and went. The cheap housing became decrepit housing. So the powers that be decided to knock it all down. But people live here, it is their home. They have a community. They care.

We are working with the social center to create an installations incorporating all generations, all walks of life, we have kids, mothers and babies, grandmas, unemployed teenagers, plumbers, retired teachers, hair dressers...

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