Vive la Vie

By gillybxl

Talking French

The students arrived back at school today and I taught three lessons. It's been over a year since I last taught so I was a little anxious as I'm also teaching in a new school. The students are of many different nationalities and cultures so it's going to be an interesting year getting to know them.
As I'm a new member of staff I had to stand at the front of the entire High School community meeting and wave when my name was called out. I find this kind of thing excruciatingly embarrassing, and probably did some kind of pathetic wave which I have now blanked out from my memory.

This evening I went out for a meal with my Mum. I can't remember the last time we did this, as whenever we get the opportunity it's usually with the children or other family members. It was really nice just to have a chat and a meal with Mum.

The above photo is of Mum standing outside the restaurant with her 'talk french' book. She's really trying to learn the language and is putting me to shame.

I must try harder.

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