Perspective of Life

By trygveb

Parties of Trondheim

This is the result after collecting flyers from all the political parties running in Trondheim. From left is Norges Kommunistiske Parti (NKP) (Norwegian Communists Party), Rødt (Socialist/Ex-communist Party), Miljøpartiet de grønne (Green Party), Sosialistisk Venstreparti (SV) (Socialist Party), Arbeiderpartiet (Labour Party), Senterpartiet (Center Party), Venstre (Left Party) (liberals), Pensjonist Partiet (OAP Party), Kristlig Folkeparti (KRF) (Christian Peoples Party), Høyre (Right Party) (Conservaties), Framskrittspartiet (FRP) (Progress Party), Demokratene (Democrats).

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