Moments in a minor key

By Dcred


Since rising this morning I just didn't seem to have a moment to myself, just one of those days that thankfully don't come around that often.....and the answer to last nights puzzle

The trick to this problem is to get the slowest people across together because otherwise you are wasting too much time. But once you've got them across how do you make one of them not walk back. The answer to that one is to get the fastest people across first so that when the slow people are over the fastest of the group can go quickly back with the flashlight. The two fastest can then run back together.

1 and 2 cross over first.
2 minutes

Then 1 goes back.
1 minute

Then 7 and 10 cross over.
10 minutes

Then 2 crosses back.
2 minutes

Then 2 and 1 cross together.
2 minutes

Total Time: 17 minutes!

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