
By Frontier

Night Moves

Mark Knight & Funkagenda - The Man With the Red Face (Mark Knight Remix)

I hate coming up with titles. Although I have a lot of fun doing so trying to immitate art-wankery.

Example, Art Student - I wanted to call this "The Road to Nowhere" but it's like, leading somewhere, like, you know, into the void, like that movie "Into the Void", have you seen it? It's like this awesome movie man, that totally blows your mind, and this road, like, represents my total feelings right now. Going into a place, like a mind galaxy...

Example 2, Mr. Can't Be Labelled - It's called Untitled (2011 August 25). I wear black and I don't talk to anybody.... please don't comment on my work, it's completely beyond you. I've travelled to New York and "did" Manhattan in two days. I didn't "do" a Cosmo because it's be too cliched.

Example 3, Hippy - I feel all the energy of this picture stimulating my mind and because the night is a place where people sleep we are at one, asleep with ourselves but moving with the night. You know?

All poor representations I know, my apologies.

Anyway, I've got nothing against these people, it's just funny how nobody likes to be labelled. I meet hippies all the time and when you call them one they freak out and get pissed. That's probably because I'm a total butt when I do so. But I'm sure the situation has happened before with you to another person? Race, religion, disabled, beautiful, jock, nerd, etc., all these labels seem to make it easier to compartmentalise. My favourite is "Un-Australian".

As far as I'm concerned I'm a wanker, nice guy, sleaze ball, intelligent, stupid, ugly, gorgeous, whatever and a nobody. You can get called anything under the sun from anybody but I'm happy about it. You think, therefore you are, and therefore am I.

I can rant on about labels for ages, but who cares? My opinion is only as valid as the next person's and there's millions. I ain't got time to waste. I'll just be.

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