
By jmules

Time for Goodbye's

After dropping my sister off at the Train Station in the town over, I went home to pick up my doggy, and then Jillian. She helped my find my way to the place where Madison (my doggy) gets her bath. It wasn't that bad, and it was a fun trip with Jilly. Then on the way home I picked up some cupcake mix to make for later, and we went to McDonalds. I got a kids meal and got my mom one of the Smurff toys. Then I went to pick up pictures form my dorm room and then home for a little to get a call that Madison was ready to be picked up. So I went back to pick up Jilly and off we were to get my doggy.

The I went home to make some cupcakes, but we didn't have any eggs, so I went to get those and when I was done mixing the batter, there weren't enough foil things to put the cupcakes in, so I had to go to Lauren's to get some.
After the cupcakes were done, I went to drop one off at Marissa's, because during VBS, I didn't give her one and I felt bad. Then I went to Kimmy's, I was a little late, but just in time for the food...

Kimmy had everyone over tonight for the last time this summer! It was a lot of fun, and it was really nice to see everyone!! Towards the end of the night however, saying goodbye was hard, but many of us decided that it was too soon in the week to say goodbye, so we made plans to go watch the sunrise. It's getting really hard, and it's becoming reality for all of us. Weird.

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