#1000, dedicated to my Mom and Dad

My mom and dad would have been married 65 years today. I chose to photograph this snapshot of them originally taken in 1956. It is the earliest picture I have of them together. My aunt, Martha Marianne Clarke, known as "Suzie" took the original photo that I set up to photograph tonight. My mom was Janet Johnson Clarke and my dad, Samuel Eugene Clarke. They were married in 1946, so they had been married 10 years.

I remember my aunt's apartment where this photo was originally taken. It was in Hollywood and was a lovely prewar stucco duplex that had a wonderful large fountain with goldfish outside. This made visits to my incredibly boring aunt (I was 5) tolerable. Later she moved to an apartment tower without the fish and the visits became mind numbing as she didn't like noise and there was NOTHING to do.

I miss both of them very much (and my aunt, too) and wish they were around today to share with my grandchildren with them. I dedicate today's blip to them.

To Mara, Katie and Alex:
These are some of your great grandparents, grandmother Zoe's mother and father. I wish you had gotten to know them.

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