Life in Newburgh on Ythan

By Talpa


The Perennial Sowthistle Sonchus arvensis occurs widely throughout the UK both in the wild and on arable land, and is also known as corn sow-thistle, creeping sow-thistle, dindle, and field milk-thistle. Sowthistles exude a milky latex when any part of the plant is cut or damaged, and it is from this fact that the plants obtained the common name, "sow thistle", as they were fed to lactating sows in the belief that their milk production would increase.

Two different ecotypes of Sonchus arvensis have been identified; the coastal form thrives on dry, nutrient poor dunes while the arable ecotype thrives on periodic soil disturbance. This is the coastal form, flowering and setting seed on the Sands of Forvie.

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