"B's" Blipping

By BLorimer

Yorkshire Pudding recipe (For Yuba)

This is a really simple recipe to make - hope you enjoy it!!

3 oz Plain Flour (75 g )
1 egg
3 fl oz Milk ( 75 ml )
2 fl oz Water ( 50 ml )
Salt & Pepper
2 tbsp Beef dripping or Oil ( for the roasting tin )
Pre heat oven Gas mark 7, 425 F, 220 C

Finished results

Whisk all ingredients together in a bowl or jug!

Leave to stand for about 30 mins

Heat up fat of oil in tin ( can be either individual small Yorkies or made into one big one!)

Give the batter a quick whisk and pour into the tin.

Cook on top shelf of oven for 25 - 30 mins till they've risen and are golden!

Serve alongside any cooked meat and veg meal.

Make Batter as above
Brown some sausages in a pan
Put sausages in bottom of roasting tin with the hot oil
Pour over the batter and cook as above.

Hay Presto "Toad-in-the-Hole" Enjoy as a light evening meal!

Hope you enjoy this if it's new to you.

B :-)

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