Trixie's Adventures

By TrixieTheCollie

Look what I've found!

Look what I found on the beach this morning ............................ a yellow tennis ball. I don't usually like tennis balls because they're not very bouncy, but this one was very, very bouncy so I had a fantastic play.

However when we left the beach Ann suggested that we leave it for another doggie to play with. Well no way was I going to do that. Finders, keepers as far as I'm concerned. So then Ann said if I wanted to keep it I had to carry it myself because it was all wet and sandy.

I live at the top of a very steep hill and I'd almost got home when I met two silly little Jack Russell dogs who started going mad at me. They were barking at me and pulling on their leads. Normally in a situation like that I would retaliate and bark back, because I can stand up for myself.

Today though, I was clever enough to realise that if I opened my mouth to bark at them I'd drop the ball and it would roll all the way back down the hill to the beach.

.............. I managed to carry the ball all the way home and Ann said I was a very good girl for ignoring the Jack Russells.

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