My Magic Kingdom

By HRHCinderella


Using the time today to get a few things organised. Dentist appointment, banking, shopping etc. This involves a lot of driving as we go through to Sandton. (45 minutes from home if we don't catch traffic)

Recently several Blue Gum trees were cut down along our main road. Today as we passed they were clearing the logs away. The colour and patterns of the logs just looked so beautiful I couldn't resist stopping and taking a photo for my Blip today.

Note: I must add that whenever I stop the car for a Blip shot I get lots of moans and groans from the back seat. But then I get the encouraging; "look, take a photo of that!" Or "I think you should wait until the mountain is in the background". So I know I am making my children more aware of what their world is really all about. And maybe one day they will realise that this really is the Magic Kingdom.

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