shotlandka's weebig world

By shotlandka

The magic of the movies (7): Making a mark

Some attempts by the people of Glasgow to make their mark on Hollywood!

Away from the world of WWZ, today has been a rather contemplative day. I was struck this morning that fairly frequently, the photos I choose to blip are not the best ones I've taken that day. I was prompted along this chain of thought by this shot, taken yesterday but not blipped, which I keep coming back to and staring at in the lightbox on Flickr. Looking back through what I have chosen to blip, some are simple enough, following the formula 'x happened to me today', like I ended up on the AV at church, or my crown fell out, and various shots I could have done with trying harder on (no, I'm not linking to them!), but on the other hand, that was my day, and so, perhaps, should the blip be! Some are what I would consider the best shot I took that day, like Saturday's blip, or my very first blip, but they don't think they are blipped because they are simply my perceived best shots, but because they mean a lot, saying to me something about who I am or where I come from, or how I see the world. Looking back over my blips (I realised tonight that I have now been blipping for just over 4 months, so maybe this mental exercise has something to do with my brain processing what is no longer a novelty, but a basic part of my day), I noticed a few comments, like when I blipped the tall ship, and also put in a link to one of my two favourite shots of the day, one of the comments was along the lines of 'that must have been tough to choose'. But it wasn't, although the sunset, or indeed the hazy light island shot are better photos, both of which I would happily give wall space to (I like the tall ship shot too, I'm not saying I don't), but that day I'd been looking out for tall ships, hoping to see tall ships, and had promised to blip one, so I didn't even consider blipping the sunset instead, the day belonged to the tall ships, so one of the two I actually saw had to get the blip! I think when it comes down to it, most of my blips are things which make me laugh, or at least smile, which is partly why there have been so many magic of the movies blips, because I do find the behind the scenes stuff so fascinating, and some of it is really comical (like yesterday, or indeed today, which made me smile when I saw it a few days ago, and meant to blip the following day but that bit of George Square was closed off), but there have been plenty of others, like the window cleaners, the buskers, the man and his dogs in the inflatible kayak or the sweetie Nessie. I'm now not as convinced that my blips are as different as I liked to think, but do show efforts at variety, though as the nights draw in I fear they may become less so! I'm not sure I've some to any real conclusions, but it has been interesting to look back, and also to see that my archive blips largely conform to the same 'rules' too!

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