Waiting for Jonny

By yearofhappy

A Spoonful of Sugar Helps The Medicine go Down

Believe me I could have drunk ten times this amount after an afternoon shopping for school uniforms

What on earth has happened to the supermarket where every little helps... every little what...every little bomb site that used to be a neatly arranged schoolwear section, but is now virtually cordoned off and even the staff pass and ignore , granting it nothing but an " eyes raised to heaven " glance.

Hell I tell you. I have done something very bad in a previous life to deserve today's shopping fiasco ( I don't suppose it helps that I am a complete anti woman and hate shopping )

All over now and the coffee was bliss ( even if it was preceded by my two offspring arguing over where we went for a drink. Never have the merits and demerits of Costa Coffee and Subway been so vehemently debated in the back of a smelly Citroen Picasso )

All's well that ends well. Peace reigns in the family although it may have been assisted by the production of a generous box of Thornton's chocolates.

Musical Loveliness

Hope Thursday finds you all well and shopping free


PS No political ideology was harmed in the writing of this Blip, I do recognise that my little stresses today are nothing compared to Libya.. here's to a swift end to it all.

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