
By Juli

The world's smallest snail?

I was looking forward to a lazy day but my husband decided to work from home so I thought the best thing was if we 'made ourselves scarce'. My repertoire of things to do when it's pouring is pretty limited so we ended up at an indoor play place that we used to go to all the time but haven't been to for ages.

No photography allowed inside, unfortunately, but we did bump into my son's best friend from his nursery days - and more recently, football lessons - and it was great catching up with his mum. Isn't it a lovely surprise when that happens?

We were there for most of the day (I think we set a new record!) and, as the sun had come out by the time we left, we did a little detour round the countryside on our way home, following brown signs for a 'Watermill Museum'.

Never found it, though, so I've had to settle for this as today's blip - only about a centimetre from end to end, this is almost the smallest snail I've ever seen. It had the appetite of an elephant, though!

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