
By anonymous

My knee

After the traumatic time I've been through recently it seems almost inconsequential to blip something as boring as my knee. But my knee is the thing that is causing me the most pain at the moment.

After having an operation for breast cancer only a month ago and being in the process of arranging radiotherapy, my knee, in comparison, seems a very dull thing to blip.

However, for me, my knee is a lot more painful than any breast op.

I fell down just over two weeks ago. Haven't a clue why I fell down - wasn't drunk, didn't trip over anything. Just fell down. I went 'smash' onto my front in the middle of town. A few people ran over and picked me up. My glasses had fallen off, both my knees were grazed and my chin was grazed. I wasn't alone - I had a male friend with me but he was worse than useless. He was a few paces behind, not paying any attention to the crowds and by the time he realised it was me that had fallen my 'new best friends' had picked me up and brushed me down.

However, since then I have been in real pain walking down stairs and down hills. My right knee really, really hurts. I'm sure my friends just think I'm being a bit of a 'drama queen'? There's no mark on my knee, there's no swelling, no brusing, no nothing. ...................But it's sore!

Everyone keeps telling me that because it's not swollen or bruised there's nothing wrong. Apparently if I'd cracked my knee cap I'd be in a lot of pain. I have to admit for the last couple of days I thought it was getting better - I thought I could walk down stairs normally, etc. Today I AM in a lot of pain - but only when I'm going downhill?

So my question is - how long should I wait before I think there is something seriously wrong with me and go and visit a doctor?

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