An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Last Friday in August...

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I can't believe that this time next week we'll be into September! This year has just disappeared.

First Friday where I am back in my usual routine of D at work, A at school and me at home. Was full of big ideas about getting the ironing up to date but just after 9am I decided to jump into the car and head off to HERE for a wander and today's blip.

I headed for the pond hoping to get some lovely shots of the cygnets but Mummy and Daddy swan weren't too friendly (despite bribing them with a loaf of bread!!). Managed to get a few rushed shots and the best of the bad bunch can be seen HERE.

So instead of the cygnets, you get part of the drive up to Colzium House. A regular haunt of my childhood where I would use the empty band stand as my stage, paddle in the streams, rolly polly down the steep grass incline and visit the walled garden. We also came to grounds of the Colzium for our official wedding photographs, so the place holds lovely memories of that day.

Sat on a rock for a while enjoying the peace, the birdsong and the start of the autumn colours. My daily routine tends to tie me to the house so it was lovely getting the chance to venture a little further afield. At times, the only child in me craves alone time and this morning was just perfect.

So, back home now, blip in early (woo hoo) about to have some lunch and then I will tackle the ironing.....or maybe not :)))

Have a great weekend blip Pals :)) xxx

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