In fair weather prepare for foul. - Thomas Fuller

Anyone who says they're not afraid at the time of a hurricane is either a fool or a liar, or a little bit of both.

Anderson Cooper

It's a beautiful day. I'm off to painting since we cancelled our jaunt to Maine. This afternoon and tomorrow we'll finish up the storm preparations, no window boarding up or anything as dramatic or necessary as for those closer to the coast. We're about 30 minutes from the surging surf. We'll just take care of outdoor furniture and try to figure out where to safely park the car. We have so many trees and tall tall pines that scare the living daylights out us in storms. They do the hula, swinging and swaying ominously close to the house. EEK!

I expect power outages, but hopefully not lengthy. We won't be in the thick of things till Sunday it seems. It's terrifying to think of how many people will be at risk from this massive hurricane. As Bethanne has said, the storm itself is awesomely beautiful, a swirling mass of awesome energy.

We had a very loved and temperamental half Abyssinian cat for 16 years before Raspberry. Her name was Iris, but T & I often called her Irene. She has continued to appear now and then, a force even in death. So,the name of this storm is rather unnerving, I hope she'll slip away happily after all this fanfare!

Raspberry okayed the things on the table, she's as helpful as ever today.

Update, G's Visa is ready!!!! They will mail it, so he won't get stuck in the NYC hurricane mess.

For the Record.
This day came in sunny with increasing humidity.

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